Dora rapido tico dailymotion
Dora rapido tico dailymotion

dora rapido tico dailymotion

Boots says hello to Tallest Mountain and Dora says they are here to rescue the map. There is a tall, a taller, and of course, they found Tallest Mountain. They just have to get to the Tallest Mountain. They're getting closer and closer to rescuing the map. In no time, they made it through the cornfield and got away from the mean red ants. All of a sudden, the mean red ants are chasing them. Dora and Boots memorize the colors and off they went. They can't take the yellow, orange, or purple paths because it has mean red ants. The safest way to get through is to take the red, blue, and green path. It says they need to go through the colored paths without running into mean red ants. Along the way, they stop Swiper from swiping their map. Now they have to go through the cornfield. As they exit the garden, all the butterflies waved goodbye with their wings. It was hiding in the log. They went through it to follow it. They flap their arms like a butterfly, but the butterfly disappeared. Once they enter the Butterfly Garden, they see a sign that can help them get through, they have to follow blue butterflies with yellow polka dots. It is clear what they have to do they have to go to Tallest Mountain to get back the Map. Dora holds out the paper to Boots and starts naming the places. One was of the Butterfly Garden close to the hill. The two walk over to the highest part of their hill to see the view that is their quest. With the help of the viewer(s), they find the box and Dora opens it to find crayons and paper. Luckily, Dora has an art box with five yellow stars in Backpack. Boots asks Dora how they would make their own map. Dora asks how they will be able to get there, and Map responds with "You just have to make your own map.!" as he flew away in the distance. Map tells them he and the bird are flying to Tallest Mountain. Whilst sing his song once more, the bird picks up three little sticks, then sees Map and somehow mistakes him for a big stick so he takes him away to the Tallest Mountain. Meanwhile in the distance of the three mountains, a big bird swoops down behind the log Map was on. Dora and Boots applaud and begin to laugh. After they sing, Map jumps on a log and declares everyone should take a bow.

dora rapido tico dailymotion

He then jumps out, does a flip in the air, then lands on solid ground and asks the viewer(s) to sing with him.

dora rapido tico dailymotion

Shortly after, Map pops out and sings a little verse of his song. Someone who is very helpful and can be asked for help when she and Boots do not know where to go. She then hints another friend who lives inside Backpack.

dora rapido tico dailymotion

The episode starts with Dora and Boots on a far hill away from three mountains. Who does Dora and Boots ask for help when they don't know which way to go? The Map! But today, Map is kidnapped by a big silly bird who mistakes him as a stick, so Dora and Boots must make their own map and head all the way to the Tallest Mountain in order to rescue their friend! 6 Items in Backpack (clockwise starting from the top right).

Dora rapido tico dailymotion