Call of Duty Black Ops II Apocalypse – The Apocalypse DLC pack includes a new Zombies scenario that transports players into a dieselpunk world and four new multiplayer maps Frost, Pod, Dig, and Takeoff.Call of Duty Black Ops II Revolution – The Revolution DLC pack includes a new Zombies scenario co-op map Die Rise, and four new multiplayer maps Hydro, Mirage, Downhill, and Grind.The Bundle Edition of this game includes the base game of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and a plethora of different DLC Packs. The Bonus Edition for this game includes the base game of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and the Nuketown Zombies Map, which was originally part of the digital deluxe edition. It gives Call of Duty multiplayer fans their annual dose and makes it better.

But Black Ops 2 is also the most concerted effort yet to convince players to grow their wolf packs through some good old-fashioned team play, and in many ways, it succeeds. And of course, this remains one of the best digital places in the world to go to become teeth-grindingly frustrated. Where, for example, are my wrist-mounted grappling hooks from the single-player campaign? Opportunity missed. It looks and feels like the shooter Infinity Ward created years ago, and in many ways, that’s a disappointment. The story mode allows you to discover the mysteries of the dying earth, Survival mode where you can fight endless waves of zombies, and a competitive 4v4 last human standing game mode.

Pushing the boundaries of the record-setting entertainment franchise. The Ninth installment of the franchise Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a multiplayer action FPS made by Treyarch and published by Activision, taking place in the near future when weapons and technology have converged to make a new generation of warfare.